Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Living in America

I've been thinking a lot this morning about what it means to be an American.

Simply by being born in America, I've inherited a literal wealth of freedom and prosperity that isn't afforded to most of the planet's population.

Everything I am today (alright, quit laughing, I know there's work to do), is a result of being born in America.

There are exceptions (present day and historical exceptions), but for the most part, being an American means you have unlimited opportunities to pursue education, good health, employment, personal development, family relationships, travel, spiritual growth, religious practice, political offices, etc.

So, why me? Why us? How did we end up on Park Place in the Big Man Upstairs' Game of Monopoly? Why are our lives so good/prosperous? (I'm waiting for lightening to hit the roof and change all of this.)

I think these are the questions that I've considered my whole life: why me? why here? why now? why not all people?

Part of me feels it's just random--being born here. But, to be honest, part of me thinks there are no coincidences in life, either.

So hopefully, I appreciate the blessing of being an American. And hopefully, I do my best to extend the kind of freedom, understanding, opportunity, acceptance, and priviledges we have as Americans to others ("others" meaning literally every "other" person in my life).