Wednesday, July 2, 2008

10 Things I Hate About Otter Pops

10. They aren't frozen when you buy them.

9. In the 2008 editions, the picture of the otters aren't on the individual pops as seen below:

8. They're sticky.

7. You can't eat the wrappers--which means that once your kids are done eating them, you're going to find those wrappers in garden beds, under pillows, in the blow-up pool, on your car seat, etc.

6. They're sticky.

5. There are fewer blue than any other color--and blue is everyone's favorite color.

4. They're sticky.

3. They come out of the package linked together, one by one, with some kind of perforrated tab--so once you pull them apart, you slice the sides on each one. Translation = your hands get sticky.

2. You can't open the *@#! things without dragon teeth or scissors--which means you get to have little one-inch Otter Pops ALL OVER YOUR LAWN!

1. If you give a kid an Otter Pop, they're gonna ask for MORE! (They're something addictive in them, I tell you. Ask Colonel Sanders.)