Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just Thoughts

First of all, thank you Janae for the photo of the whole gang at Cecret Lake! (I like that you called the journey a "walk" on your blog, while I called it a "hike" on mine. I'm a drama queen, no?)

So, I'm reading a book right now that has as its main thesis: you are not your thoughts.

I think (Ha Ha) that's a pretty profound statement--at least to someone like me. Sometimes, I sincerely feel like my noodle is never NOT thinking.

So, what's the point of knowing that YOU are not your thoughts?

I guess to realize that just because you think something doesn't mean it's important or true.

This concept has taught me to be more aware of my thoughts. To realize that my mind is somewhat involuntary in its thinking. My brain just likes to do it. But that doesn't mean everything I think is of equal value or importance.

Ultimately, if I get really good at being aware of my thoughts, I'll be able to catch myself mid-thought and realize that my thoughts are just that: thoughts!

So here are some of my thoughts--nothing more--this morning:

1. I Love Dave.

2. Was there really a summer at Del Mar when my brother never showered--only swam in the ocean and pool? (Or, is that a story I've created?)

3. The girls are way more creative, patient and loving than I was at their age.

4. Will Camry grow up to be a preschool teacher?

5. Why do I hate board games?

6. How long until Paige quits asking me "When are we going to grandma's?"

7. What will it take to get my brother to move to Utah?

8. Am I the only one that loads the dishwasher? And, why do I hate touching cold sponges?

9. What's the most consecutive number of days a mom has worn her bathing suit, and can I get in the Guiness Book if I break the record?

10. I hate the dentist so much, I never ever want to go. Is there any way I can get through life and never go again?

11. Who are the finalists on Design Star?

12. Why are all of my thoughts about food, kids, tv, or swimming? I feel like I have to dig a little deeper here.

14. Pioneer Day is today and I'm supposed to make 2 dozen scrambled eggs by 8:30. It's 8:13--any shot?

* Thought #13 was "isn't 13 unlucky?"