Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

We heard from Dave and Jonah yesterday at Scout Camp. They're doing great so far--no tornadoes or hurricanes (which, as we all know, only hit trailer parks and Scout Camps).

It's funny how different the house is without Dave and J:

1. More quiet.
2. No one to do the catbox.
3. No one to take out the trash.
4. No one to bring in the trash cans.


Actually, we really miss them. Dave is my Snoopy (although my guess is that he thinks he gets bossed around more--so he'd probably say I'm Snoopy). And Jonah, he's the batteries to this family business. Holy cow do we miss his energy. (Thankfully, Kaya's right behind him there!)

Oh, hold for slide photos tomorrow. The community waterslide arrived two days ago. Should be up and running today. Woohoo!