Thursday, July 10, 2008

It Started with a Sting

So Tuesday night I'm taking out the trash, when I see a hornet's nest under our roofline. Being the big brain that I am, I put the water/nozzle on high power and blast those hornets to Kingdom Come.

As I did this, I remember thinking, "Where do the hornets go once they realize their home is gone?"

I now know where . . .

they lie in wait for your first-born daughter!

Poor Camry! We're on our way to the pool yesterday when in she comes SCAREAMING (skuh-reem-ing) from the front porch.

I was in the basement at the time, and I seriously thought someone had cracked open a nogin or been hit by a car. She was screaming and crying and yelling all simultaneously (in true Cam-form--just like when she was a little babay).

I seriously didn't know what to do? I went into panic mode (those of you that know me, think, "Kaya and the turtle incident/ambulance ride").

But then I saw her underarm, and there it was: this big, swollen-pink bite from a yellow-jacket or hornet.


In a moment of sanity, before calling 911, I thought to call my friend Amy--who, I'm convinced, owns every possible first aid remedy known to humankind.

Amy says, "Do you have ammonia?" I reply, "Windex?" She says, "No, I'll send over Caitlin."

. . . and up-and-running comes Caitlin with ammonia AND this No Sting gel that is INCREDIBLE. (It's like a facial scrub--abrasive--but it has a numbing something in it. So, it gets out the stinger AND soothes the site. Who buys this stuff? Amy does.)

Amy and Caitlin saved the day! (
Thanks, Amy and Caitlin.)

And fortunately for us, Camry is Camry--and she takes everything in stride. So after the No Sting, a little Benedryl, and some time at the pool, she was feeling better. By evening, the swelling and her blood pressure had gone down. (Mine's still up; in case you're wondering.)

Lessons Learned:

1. Yellow-jackets don't have hearts. They are mean buggers.
2. Amy should be on everyone's emergency contact card.

In other news, we hit both the pool AND the waterslide yesterday. Wahoo! (Oh, scroll to then end and see how Paigey likes to say adieu to a day full of watersports.)