Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Timmy's No Dummy

Survivor Update: I talked with Survivor today. It's a no. ("For now" she said--because "things always change as they continue to cast. You never know?" LOL--I think I teach that in my conflict resolution unit, "Say something positive so the negative isn't such a bite." LOL! Oh well, it was fun to try.)

Time to move on to real life. :-)

There are a few things/memories in life that make me smile:

1. Reading a great article in The Onion. (Today I read, "Entire Refrigerator Rearranged to Accommodate Leftover KFC Bucket.")

2. Watching any of our kids hula-hoop.

3. Looking at this photo of Jonah with "Timmy the CPR Boy."

The first two are pretty self-explanatory. But, number 3 needs 'splaining:

One day the Daybreak pool was training their new lifeguards--and so they had a random pool-guest throw a 70 pound doll, affectionately named "Timmy," into the water to "test" if the lifeguards would notice a small infant-sized "something" on the bottom of the pool. . .

and after about 9 minutes, they hadn't noticed!

Now, I know these were trainees, but still! Our kids noticed Timmy before the lifeguards did! (I made a mental note to never rest on my laurels while at the pool with the kids.)

And while we never did get to see Timmy saved that day, I'm happy to report that we ran into him yesterday at the entrance to the pool. He's got a new lifevest and goggles to boot!

Yup, his days on the bottom of the pool are over. Phew! Here's Jonah with Timmy yesterday! (BTW: Kaya was able to get in the water--12 days after the surgery.)