Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Highs and Lows

At our house, we play a kind of game at dinner called "Highs and Lows." We didn't create the game, but we definitely do claim it as our own. I think I've blogged about it before, but for the 9 of you that now have access to the blog, let me 'splain, Lucy.

Each person takes a turn sharing one high and one low from that day. Then, the rest of the family gets an idea of what's going well and not-so-well for everyone else.

Sometimes we share light things because it's not raining cats and dogs. And, other times, we share things that really help the family know "hey, throw me a lifeline people."

No matter what, we love the game, and it's made dinner something I look forward to (aside from the squabbles over who goes first, last, etc.).

Because I'm literally "overloaded" with possible topics for today's blog, I thought I'd simply list a few of the Highs and Lows from yesterday. Fortunately, this week, they are more "light" than last week's!


* Kaya and Paigey feeling better.

* Seeing so many friends/neighbors drop by to check on Kaya.

* Getting my Survivor video to the casting director by end of day Monday (and having a box of Cheddar Larvets to "eat" as part of my training--from Janae and Jeff. Eye of the Tiger...could you guys kill me?).

* Having a family that would spend literally the WHOLE day helping me make the video.

* Having 3 tech-savvy friends willing to let me use their video cameras (because it took 3 to get one to work!) in order to make said video.

* Knowing that the peaches we bought Sat. will be ripe Tues.


* Searching for a photo of a peach for today's blog entry--and learning that you should NEVER google the word "peaches." Trust me.

* Sitting home for an hour while the HVAC "guy" claimed to fix our AC. Lucky for us, his time was so well spent. When he came, our home was 80 degrees. When he left, 83 degrees and rising. I love a hot home on a warm summer's day. (BTW: 83 on the main level means about 93 on the 2nd story. Sorry, girls!)

* Stressing out over the Survivor video--and in the process, probably stressing out the fam. (I know, you're probably all wondering why this would be so exciting to me. It's the equivalent of "High School Musical" to me.)

* Looking over the strawberries I bought and realizing that half are rotten. What the . . . ?

* Taking a big drink of water--only to see that the glass I was drinking out of was capital
D I R T Y.