Monday, August 4, 2008

Are You Kidding Me?

After the crazy week with poor Kaya's appendix, Dave and I agreed to take a weekend off and stay in with the kids. Part of our "Staycation 2008" theme.

Saturday was going to be our normal running around, errands, baptisms, J and Dave at another campout, but Sunday was going to be our day of rest. Literally. We were going to make a fun Sunday breakfast, hang out with Kaya as she recouped, read, play indoors, make a fun spaghetti dinner, and maybe even nap.

Or so we thought . . .

About an hour before dinner Paige started begging me for Spaghetti-Os. I told her no, but then after about the 200th request, I thought, Hay, it's lazy Sunday, let her have some Spaghetti-Os.

Any idea where this is going?

I opened the can, exposing the SHARP lid. Poured the blasted Chef-Boy-Ardee into the bowl and turned to the microwave.

That was my mistake: turning my back on that SHARP can.

Apparently, Paigey likes cold Spaghetti-Os. Really likes 'em.

So, she grabbed the can. And, I mean grabbed it. Before I could hear her scream, she said, "I'm sorry mom." (She knew her mother's fragile state. LOL.) And as I turned around, I saw it. (Weak stomachs, scroll to next photo. Paigey's okay now.) There was a lot of blood on the counter, floor, Paigey, chair. . . pretty much everywhere.

As I grabbed a towel and started applying pressure to the cut, I realized, this wasn't going to stop bleeding with a band-aid.

I yelled for Dave. Or maybe a better way to say it is I yelled AT Dave. My brain had had it. I was done with blood and emergencies.

Fortunately, cucumber Dave (cool), was on the case. He took Paigey to Urgent Care (Jonah, too--thanks J) and they took care of it.

They don't stitch thumbs, but they did do the cool glue thingy. And she got a special wrap. Balance is restored to the universe.

Paigey was all smiles when she returned.

***And before any of you say, "things come in threes," remember, I don't wanna hear it.

These other photos are just a sampling of the Sunday fun. (Cup stackin')