I was telling Dave the other day that I never fully appreciated what it meant when someone said "I'm an Eagle Scout" until Jonah started working toward his.
Holy COW! There is honestly so much to earning that distinction. So many service hours, so many skills to be learned (knots to tie--LOL), and so many dang campouts and camps. I'm just sincerely floored at the amount of time and dedication it takes to work through the Scouting program. It's nothing short of amazing. (So, next time you interview someone for a job and their resume says "Eagle Scout"--know that means for at least 5-ish years, that man has given all of his time and talent to achieving a goal and serving others.)
The other thing that amazes me about the Scouting program, is that it requires majorly dedicated leaders. Jonah's leaders have been phenomenal. They have taught him so much. And thankfully, Dave is just as committed to helping Jonah (in fact, now he is a leader).
Here are some photos taken this morning before the Webelos (younger group) head to Day-Camp. Jonah is going as a help to the leaders--earning service hours toward his Life badge.
(Yes, I'm bragging, but he WANTED to do this. He didn't complain. Asked, even. I'm thankful he's so willing to do these things. I don't remember being that way at 13.)