Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Week in 1991 . . .

Dave and I are getting ready (at least I'm pretty sure he's getting ready--LOL!) to celebrate our wedding anniversary this weekend. It's our 17th, which sounds like forever to me. (It probably feels like forever to Dave. Just kidding.)

I thought it would be fun (pretty much for me only) to look back at what was going on in 1991.

This walk down memory lane has made me realize two things:

1. 17 years IS a LONG time!

2. I really am blessed to have spent those years with Dave.

"This Week in June 1991"

State of the Union:
Gulf War just began (we married so Dave would avoid the draft--LOL)

On the Music Charts:
New Kids on the Block, Billy Idol, INXS, Madonna, Guns-n-Roses (Madonna was in her 30s then)

World Series Winner:
Minnesota Twins (I had to look this up; had no clue)

Chinese Year:
Of the Sheep (LOVE Chinese New Year!)

NBA Champs:
Chicago Bulls (over Lakers--their first title)

Popular Films:
Terminator 2 (didn't see it)
Father of the Bride (loved it)

Beauty and the Beast (took Primary kids to it--because I didn't have my own kids!)

As for Dave and I:
Dave still owned/worked at the video store. I was finishing my senior year in college. We lived in Northridge, California (not together, mind you). We ate at Chi-Chi's pizza a lot. We saw a lot of movies (tax write offs for Dave, no doubt). We actually had the same best friends then and now (Dave had brothers and Jeff T.; I had Christine and Jamie). Both of our families lived in California--and I'm not sure we ever imagined living anywhere else.

Stay tuned for wedding photos.
In the meantime, here's what's goin on in June of 2008:


Sprinkler repair (by J in background).

Fun while it lasted: hop-skotch sprinkler.

Paigey and friends do usability testing on Jonah's repair work.