Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It Finally Feels Like Summer!

I think I've mentioned this in other posts, but I think I really GET it now . . .

I'm reading a book that is really challenging me to think differently about my life. It's basic premise is that most of the time we preoccupy our minds with either the past or the future. In essence, we skip the NOW because

a. we are obsessed with things we cannot change from the past


b. because we are obsessed with looking forward to happiness in the future.

In either case (or both, if you're like me), we neglect the NOW--which is really all any of us have.

I'll admit, before reading this book, I didn't realize how often I ignore(d) the NOW.

For example, I'll be driving in the car with the kids and thinking, "maybe I can return that phone call to the carpet shampooer now--that will save me time. I'll get caught up, be less stressed, and able to spend some quality time with the kids once I get home."

Get it, ONCE I GET HOME I can enjoy the kids. It's a statement that robs me of the present moment--which in this case, was time I already had WITH the kids (They were in the car with me.). Why was I looking to the future as a place and time to be with the kids? That's just wacky!

Clearly this isn't the best example, but I guarantee you, as you observe your thoughts more closely, you'll be shocked at how often you think about something that already happened (maybe even years ago!) or how often you are hoping for an event in the future.

Paying attention to my thoughts has helped me so much already. I'm not always able to catch myself doing it, but when I do, I immediately bring myself back to the present moment.

And sometimes, I actually spend a majority of the day in the present.

Here's my example of maybe kind of "getting it" (the point of this book) and living in the present:

I had a ton of grading to do yesterday (literally the weight of the papers equal to one ton), but I also had time home with the kids (they are done with school for year).

My noodle wanted to set the kids up with something to do that would allow me to grade--so I could "be" with the kids later.

But by some act of God, I caught myself thinking about the future, and was able to choose differently.

How? Well, I told myself that I needed to be in the now. And, now wasn't going to be the time to grade. (I'd be pulling my hair out juggling kids and grading. No doubt, I'd be cranky and bossy and no fun the whole day.)

So, instead . . .

I put on my bathing suit (yes!) and promised to spend the time with the kids. Not in the same room with them, but actually BEING with them! (I know, you're all living like this all of the time. Feel sorry for me that it took 35+ years to get this.)

So, my point (and I have one/Ellen), is that I had so much fun yesterday. And, I think the kids did, too (kids live more in the present, no?). We went in the sprinklers, sat in the sun without suntan lotion (that's for Angie), played a paddle ball game that's like teather ball, ate popsicles and cookies, and talked with friends.

I'm way excited to do this more and more.

And NOW my time writing this post is over. It's time to get to the grading.