Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MOST "fill in the blank" Moment

This is Camry's favorite thing to do. I highly recommend trying it at home. You'll be surprised at the things you learn about your own family!

Here's a little preview of the game as we play it (note, the topic in green rotates to the subject of your liking):

Sample Question: What's your most embarrassing moment? (Game tip: For even more fun, once the person has told you their answer, answer FOR THEM. "No, that's not your most embarrassing moment. Remember the time you . . . ." Good times!)


One time I bought a new suit to wear to an important meeting . I was feeling great about the meeting until a coworker asked, "when are you going to take the tags of that suit Dave?"

It's a tie:

1) The time I wore white pants and a white sweater to go out to dinner with some of Dave's friends (my first time meeting them--we were still engaged--you know where this is going). At any rate, it had snowed, the ground was muddy and dirty and snowy. Somehow in my nervousness, I tripped and feel on flat on my bum. Falling wasn't the embarrassing part; having to spend the whole evening out on the town with a muddy can was.

2.) The time I sent an email to Dave saying I was having a bad day at work and was feeling "sad." Only, I sent it to the CIO of the company I worked for by mistake (similiar last name in my address book). The poor guy didn't know what to do with an email like that. I'm pretty certain he thought it was a cry for help. I mean, who sends their boss an email about their emotional state? LOL! Who knows, maybe it was a Freudian slip and I really wanted the CIO to know I didn't like my job. Flash-forward 6 months to the first round of layoffs in the company, and I somehow kept my job. (Even though we laughed about my misdirected email, I'm sure the company thought I was too fragile to fire. LOL!)

Postscript: Notice that both of us have stories about clothes? You therapists can have a field day with this one. LOL!

* Mom and Dad, the deck looks great. Can you come do ours?
** Congrats baby Dane--Baseball Champ!
*** Justin and Melayna--congratulations on your new baby BOY!
****Happy Belated Bday Uncle Bob!