Saturday, May 31, 2008


When I was about 15 and my brother was 10 or 11, he went through this period where he would say "FREEDOM" to pretty much anything you asked him.

"Dane, why didn't you clean your room?"


"Dane, didn't you want to ride your bike?"


I don't know why, but its seriously so funny to me to think back on that. (Lately, lots of things have had this effect on me. I'm seriously cracking up a lot. Hmmm?)

I guess the reason it's funny to me is because I think my brother is one of the funniest people I know. His humor is so dry, you have to listen closely not to miss it. Jonah reminds me of him SO MUCH. (In fact, and Jonah will tell you this too, when I get frazzled on names, I'll call Jonah either Dave or Dane. To which Jonah replies, "Yes, I'm Dane." LOL.)

So, I think I found Jonah's FREEDOM mantra. It's "AWKWARD."

Anytime we see something trippy or deal with a weird situation, Jonah will say, "AWKWARD."

It makes me laugh almost as much as watching Paigey hula hoop to soul music.

Have a great weekend everyone. I miss you, family.

J is on the 50 mile bike ride for Scouts right now. Photos soon.

Paigey eating raspberries (why the "p"?).
(And is anyone else wondering why she didn't put a raspberry on her middle finger? She just learned it can be used to sign a bad word, so she didn't want to draw attention to it. Yeah, because now you don't even notice the middle finger.)

I like this photo because this is sincerely the only time Dave has slept in the last 2 weeks.
He's traveled so much for work/life; he hasn't had time to snooze.
(And, since my sleep ratio is different than most people's,
it's fun to hassle Dave anytime he rests.)

Phone AND computer. Yes, he's running a call center here.

(Jamie, this wasn't taken in our bathroom. LOL!)

Can I get my bangs trimmed?

Day 5 of eating healthier (but who's counting).
Jonah thought the tofu was AWKWARD.

That's a lot of berries. Another reason to love summer.