Friday, August 1, 2008

Kaya's Hospital Stay

Kaya was released from the hospital this afternoon! Yay! She's feeling so much better--able to eat and walk a little. Thank goodness.

Kaya was so brave during all of this. Honestly, there were just so many things she had to go through this week. We're just so thankful she's better and that appendix is history!

One thing that Dave and I couldn't get over, is how different a children's hospital is than other hospitals. Everything is really tailored to the kids--from the physical structure of the hospital (ceiling tiles are painted by kids, floors are decorated with themes, etc.) to the way they whole hospital stay is meant to keep the kids feeling safe/comfortable in the hospital (canines visit for "therapy," a craft cart comes around with painting, puzzles, toys, whenever you want it, and the menu is kid-friendly).

Here are some more photos of Kaya's stay. Love you Kaya. So grateful you are on the mend.

AND, thank you Amy, Kindra, Rebecca, Janae, and serenity sisters (Angie, Shelby and Whitt) for tending our kids and feeding us!

Oh, and thank you Aunt Jamie. Love the game! Perfect for recouperating.

AND, thank you Kaya's friends for all of the well-wishes, treats, cards and Pet Shoppe toys.

Kaya with Chuck the Teddy Bear (named after Chuck in Pushing Daisies).

Visits from Dad, J, C and P made Kaya so happy!

Dad's laptop for movies. (They also have a lot of movies that play throughout the day.)

View from her room--looking out over the whole SL Valley (we were on the east, looking west).

Presents from Camry, J, and Paigey. (Dad gave cash--a crowd favorite.)

Just before getting discharged today.

A pretzel on Day 2.

Day 2--Paigey and me.

A visit from the canine (is that cool?).

More time with the pooch (the kids said the backpack was full of cr*p. For real.)