Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Kaya Update:

Kaya's healing really well! And, she's almost to the point where she can get in the pool again (I think 5 more days). She's definitely a little bored, but feelings so much better.

Me Update:

I think I've recovered from the 3rd in the series of unfortunate events here at our home. I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to hear the expression, "things come in threes" today--because now I know we're done with our 3!

I did finish the last book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, on Sunday. I think it's interesting that so many people are up in arms over the book. On Amazon the reviews are nearly split, 1 star or 5 stars. Seems people love it or don't love it.

I love it because I love the characters. They make the book for me.