Monday, July 14, 2008

Home Again

Well, Dave and Jonah returned home from Scout Camp safely this weekend! Yay! Home feels like home again! They had a really good time up there--and I'm so thankful that Dave went. It's not too often you can take a whole week off of work to take your son to Scout Camp. (Seriously! Dave's SuperDad, in my opinion.)

Scout Camp was up at a lake, so they had a lot of time to do water and boating activities. Dave said that it might be a good idea for he and Jonah to purchase some sunglasses. Ya think? Can you imagine 90 degree weather at a lake? Talk about glare. Ouch.

Other than the obvious sleep deprivation, I think the only other casualty of Scout Camp is the fact that our minivan now smells like 6 teenage scouts who'd stopped showering for a week! When I pulled in the driveway yesterday I said, "How come all of the van doors are open Dave?" To which he replied, "We didn't shower up there for a week--and it was a 3 hour drive home. I think it needs to air out."

Sorry I asked.

In other news, Sunday dinner was fun yesterday. Kaya and her friend made some yummy treats. Dave cooked the magic roast (the one that you cook @ 450 for 45 minutes and then turn off the oven for 3 hours).

La and Chris, can't wait to see you!