This is Part 1 in a potentially 27-Part Father's Day Featurette:
How I Met Your Father
(Tune in tomorrow for Part 2.)
On July 21 of 1990, my best friend Christine had a birthday party for her husband Jeff. At that time, I was a full-time college student and part-time preschool aide, living in Northridge, California. (Actually, living in the student housing at the Huckvale home! LOL. If you know the Hucks, this makes sense. They literally have an open door policy at their home. Everyone is welcome. And, I mean everyone. But that's another post/story.)
So, Christine had planned this surprise pizza party for Jeff. She'd invited 40 or 50 of Jeff's friends from church and work. (Christine's brothers and sisters were also there and that may have accounted for 20 of the people--hahahaha.) We would eat, play games (ugh!), open presents, and hang out by the pool (but not swim). It was a hot and smoggy July day/night.
I knew nearly everyone at the party . . . except one person: a friend of Jeff's named Dave. Jeff and Dave were roommates before Jeff and Christine married. (I think Dave had 6 or more roommates during his 20s!)
It's completely cliche', but from the minute I saw/met Dave, I loved him. I really mean it. He was my Edward. (You have to be a Twilight groupie to fully understand the depth of this statement.)
I was immediately attracted/drawn to Dave. He was SO handsome (you've seen the blue eyes, people).
Of course I wanted to get to know him! So, rather than sit down to eat with Christine and Jeff, I sought out an empty table . . . hoping Dave would sit with me. (Dave was behind me in food line--a gentleman then, too--letting everyone go before him.)
As I sat down waiting for Dave to get his plate, I remember praying that he would sit next to me.
And he did!
But so did one of Christine's brothers and sister-in-laws. And they both knew Dave well. Dave and the brother were both business owners (brother = pizza place; Dave = video store). Clearly, Christine's brother was pretty excited to sit down and talk business with Dave (Marketing, magnets, billboards, customer service. . . you name it!). (*Note--he was a young business owner. Still 24. I say this so you don't think he was a grown man. LOL!)
I had nothing, and I mean nothing, to contribute to the conversation. I remember feeling like I was 8 and sitting at the grown-up table. Here I was, a college student. I don't even think I could make my own car payment at that time. And here they were, business owners. Their businesses helped to pay other people's car payments!
While there were some moments when we spoke. For the most part, that evening was just me listening (a first). Oh, and trying to eat slowly. (Why that is something I remember, I don't know?)
After the dinner, presents and cake, Dave and another friend--also named Jeff--announced that they were off to see the movie Ghost. As I heard them say their goodbyes, I had two thoughts:
1. Why are two guys going to see Ghost?
2. Would it be too obvious if I showed up at the same theatre/showing?
On the plus side, Dave did tell me goodbye. But, I was pretty certain he said the same goodbye to everyone that night. No asking for my phone number. No offering of free movie rentals. No telling me he would like to go to a movie with me sometime (That Jeff T., my arch nemesis!).
Or so I thought.
Later that night as we were cleaning up the party, Christine told me her husband had talked to Dave and wanted to know if I'd be okay with Dave calling me some time.
Again, cliche', but I can remember the way my heart pounded and pounded hearing that news.
I almost died.
And sure enough, two or three days later, he called. I remember that phone call so vividly. I was in my room (which used to be Christine's sister/Sheri's Room--pink wallpaper, white furniture, white daybed, YW motto poster on the wall . . . and my own yellow 1970s phone. My mom had bought me the phone as a Christmas present to take to college. It was sooooooo cool/retro.)
So Dave called (and I'm pretty sure everyone in the house was standing outside my doorway listening). The conversation was short, but by the end of it, I'd agreed to go on a first date with him: a day-trip to the beach.
What was I thinking? I didn't even like to go to the beach with girlfriends! Sure, I loved the beach, but what 19 year-old girl wants to be in their bathing suit on a first date?
Are you kidding me?
That's Princess Bride "Tru Wuv," I'm telling you. Dave could have asked me to go rattlesnack hunting with him and I would have said yes.