A few months ago I looked at my blog and said, "I only photograph food and the kids." So, I vowed to add more kinds of photos to my blog.
So much for that idea; today's photo is not one of our kids, but I did make that shortcake!
Lately, I've been thinking a lot more about the food I/we eat. When I say thinking, I mean thinking. Not doing anything about it. Just reading and really trying to determine if I'm taking the best care of my body.
Maybe I'm getting older and with that comes this desire to better care of the body that houses my soul. Then again, maybe I'm not that deep and it has something to do with summer coming and wanting to look 10 years younger in shorts?
Regardless of the reason, I've been really interested in what, where, when, how, and why I eat. So, I'm reading a lot and talking to people about what works for them.
Some friends exercise a lot. Some eat very few carbs. Some don't eat anything cooked (for real). Some eat anything they want (because life is short). Some drink a lot of water. Some drink protein shakes. And a few are on different diet/food programs.
I noticed this week that Oprah is doing a 21 day fast. Not that she's a friend. (Although I'm sure she would be if she knew me. LOL.) But still, interesting.
One thing I like about the empire that is Oprah: she usually reads a lot about the things she recommends. And she gives you a lot of information if you want to check something out yourself.
And honestly, I like a lot of the books she recommends. So, I'm picking up the Quantum Health book that has motivated her fast.
Who knows? Maybe that shortcake I made yesterday will be my last one for a while.
Then again, maybe not.
BTW: Movie post-script. We liked Indiana Jones. I think it's great for a sequel. But, it's 2 hours long, so you'll need to plan for a bathroom break at some point (or 10 if you bring 4 kids).