(We're on the right. Those are slackers on the left. What kind of plot neighbbors?!)
Camry is in the background with Ozzy--she wasn't too into the
gardening in 80+ degrees weather.
Where have the days gone? How on earth can it be Memorial Day weekend? I haven't found a spare minute to write since Tuesday.
So, what's the reason for the time suck?
I have no idea?!
Between Dave, the kids, our 988 pets, and my own life, I think we just had a crazy-busy week.
Here's a sampling of my To Do List this week:
* Drive 30 minutes away to orthodontist and pick up Jonah's retainer for 3rd time.
(First 2 times it didn't fit. I figure it's a $500.00 retainer now--given the cost of the gas to drive the extra 2 hours to pick it up.)
* Grade 2 million composition papers for the summer school class I'm teaching.
(And begin own research project to answer the question "Are summer school students really remedial?")
* Keep up with kids' schooling.
(Can I tell you, I finally understand pre-Algebra.)
* Start reading the new Nancy Drew book.
(Realize I'll be 50 before we finish the series.)
* Finish The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
(Decide don't love it as much as Twilight.)
* Watch the movie trailer to Twilight.
(100 times.)
* Answer 2.5 million emails from the students who are unhappy with their composition paper grades.
(End each email with a smiley face--to be sure the students know I still like THEM, just not their writing.)
* Get our community garden plot weeded and ready to plant.
(Realize that we are the only people without automatic timers watering their plants.)
* Help Paigey release her Ladybug village.
(Purchased at the plant store under duress. Not one of my proudest parenting moments: "Paigey, if you get up off the floor, mommy will buy you a container of ladybugs. Pa-leasssssssssssssse get off the floor?)
* Watch 119 minutes of the American Idol Results Show.
(Meaning, I missed the crucial last minute where the winner was announced.)
(Meaning, I missed the crucial last minute where the winner was announced.)
* Download AI Results on UTube.
(Realize that David Cook kinda looks like a vampire--which makes me watch the Twilight trailer again.)