Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day Already?

Time to weed and plant our community garden plot.
(We're on the right. Those are slackers on the left. What kind of plot neighbbors?!)

Looking at some high-tech garden techniques.

Releasing Ladybugs.

Putting peat moss in the garden (no idea why?).

J helps Paigey open Ladybug box.
Camry is in the background with Ozzy--she wasn't too into the
gardening in 80+ degrees weather.

Smiling Kaya papaya.

Where have the days gone? How on earth can it be Memorial Day weekend? I haven't found a spare minute to write since Tuesday.

So, what's the reason for the time suck?

I have no idea?!

Between Dave, the kids, our 988 pets, and my own life, I think we just had a crazy-busy week.

Here's a sampling of my To Do List this week:

* Drive 30 minutes away to orthodontist and pick up Jonah's retainer for 3rd time.
(First 2 times it didn't fit. I figure it's a $500.00 retainer now--given the cost of the gas to drive the extra 2 hours to pick it up.)

* Grade 2 million composition papers for the summer school class I'm teaching.
(And begin own research project to answer the question "Are summer school students really remedial?")

* Keep up with kids' schooling.
(Can I tell you, I finally understand pre-Algebra.)

* Start reading the new Nancy Drew book.
(Realize I'll be 50 before we finish the series.)

* Finish The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
(Decide don't love it as much as Twilight.)

* Watch the movie trailer to Twilight.
(100 times.)

* Answer 2.5 million emails from the students who are unhappy with their composition paper grades.
(End each email with a smiley face--to be sure the students know I still like THEM, just not their writing.)

* Get our community garden plot weeded and ready to plant.
(Realize that we are the only people without automatic timers watering their plants.)

* Help Paigey release her Ladybug village.
(Purchased at the plant store under duress. Not one of my proudest parenting moments: "Paigey, if you get up off the floor, mommy will buy you a container of ladybugs. Pa-leasssssssssssssse get off the floor?)

* Watch 119 minutes of the American Idol Results Show.
(Meaning, I missed the crucial last minute where the winner was announced.)

* Download AI Results on UTube.
(Realize that David Cook kinda looks like a vampire--which makes me watch the Twilight trailer again.)